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la crosse loggers

Webcast Camera Director

During my time as the webcast director for the La Crosse Loggers I directed all live webcasts of the Loggers' home games. I was in charge of camera angles, switching cameras on air, and monitoring the audio of the announcers as well as the shotgun microphone. I learned a lot about being an effective leader through having to direct multiple people through a live production. This experience taught me important leadership skills all while working in a fast-paced environment where there is not much room for correcting mistakes. It was helpful for me to learn about messing up and then continuing on with a job due to the nature of the production. I had never worked in the sports media environment before and this internship allowed me to explore new skills and gain insight into a different area of the media and broadcasting world.


Below are selected highlights from a couple of the webcasts I directed while interning with the Loggers.

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