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In order to graduate with a degree in Communication, my final project was to conduct my own research and write a senior capstone accompanied by a poster presentation. I looked at representation on CW superhero shows through a gendered audience perspective. I gathered information by conducting focus groups. Going through a big research project like this through a pandemic taught me how to be adaptive in a difficult situation. Due to the lockdown I had to do one of my focus groups over zoom and was unable to complete my planned fourth focus group.

Professional and Technical Writing appears in nearly every field of employment. The purpose of this project was to look into an employment field and research the types of professional and technical writing that is done in order to create something cohesive. I chose to look at television production of a late night talk show because it is not an area that people generally associate with writing even though it requires a lot of it. I was also interested because it is a field I want to get into after graduating.

When taking Digital Content Writing, Management, and Experience Design, we worked with a client of a local organization in La Crosse (Chileda) in order to better structure their website and website content. One of the assignments we did was a content analysis of their current website along with a detailed report about our findings. This document was written as a memo to my professor about Chileda's website and the results of my content analysis.

While in a Public Relations class I was given a simulated situation of a benefit concert for a non-profit organization. One of the documents we had to produce was a social media plan in order to promote the concert as well as come up with organizational social media strategies to maintain once the concert was over.

This project taught me to think about promoting organizations and their message as a whole. Although it wasn't a real situation, the simulation gave me an idea of what it is like to think of the best ways to promote an event while using the voice of a specific organization.

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