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Each week UW-L’s student run TV station produces a live newscast. As the director, I was responsible for calling the shots during the show. This included setting up camera shots, cueing the on-air talent, deciding when graphics should go up on the screen, making sure we were staying within our time, and deciding when to switch between cameras and tapes. I was in charge of ensuring everyone did what they were supposed to be doing to have a successful show. If I didn’t tell the audio person to mic and cue or up audio there may not have been any sound. I had to be confident in my commands, so the rest of the crew would listen to me and take what I was saying seriously. Directing a live newscast I gained experience in leadership, prioritization, strategic thinking, and making judgement calls.


News packages are an important part of  WMCM's weekly newscast. Each one highlights an event on or around campus that is particularly newsworthy. Pre-production is the main component to this project because it requires filming outside of the live newscast as well as editing to create a minute-and-a-half long story for the news. It provides great opportunity for experience in filming, interviewing, and editing. It has taught me how to effectively tell a story in a short amount of time through a collection of interviews and images.

On Air

WMCM allowed me to experience on-air positions in addition to learning the technical ins and outs of producing a newscast. Getting to do on-air positions on a newscast helped me become more comfortable with public speaking which is a skill I am constantly looking to improve. Writing news stories is the other aspect of being the anchor. I had to fit an entire story into 45 seconds while fitting all of the relevant information so it was good practice in writing effective and concise pieces of writing.

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